Social Business, Fear and Reverse Mentoring: Interview with Jamie Garantziotis

Earlier this year I had the pleasure of being interviewed by my friend and colleague, the dynamic young Australian communications professional Jamie Garantziotis. As Jamie wrote in his blog post with the interview video Getting the Edge with Des Walsh, “What we planned as a 10-minute chat turned into a half-hour discussion…” in which we covered a…

Professional Services Practitioners the Lost Tribes of Social Media

Professional Services Practitioners the Lost Tribes of Social Media

It’s taken longer than I had planned, but I’m finally about to launch my membership program for professional services practitioners wanting help with social media. The program is called Get the Social Edge Kickstart. In a free webinar early next week I’ll be explaining how it will all work, with a commencement date of May…

Interview About Wacky Gift Site Helps Me Explain Media Curation

Interview About Wacky Gift Site Helps Me Explain Media Curation

Sometimes it’s the quirky projects that can best help us explain serious business concepts and processes. I watched a very entertaining interview yesterday on the Sunrise breakfast TV show with David Mancherje, founder of a quirky new online site, Me Wanty! Spending as much time as I do in earnest examination of and discussion about…

Law Firms and Social Media Success Stories 1

Law Firms and Social Media Success Stories 1

I’ve long maintained that there are some serious challenges for professional services firms wanting to engage effectively with and through social media, as I wrote about earlier this year in relation to financial advisers. The flipside is that there is a lot of opportunity for those professional services that make the effort to develop a…

Social Media Not an Easy Call for Financial Advisors

When I accepted the invitation to keynote the Hillross Annual Conference 2012 in Canberra, Australia, focusing on practical strategies for social media, I was pretty sure that one of my main challenges would be finding examples of successful engagement via social media by financial advisers. Part of the problem is that financial advisers operate in…