Linkedin 3rd Most Popular Networking Site, How Important for You?

I don’t know if I’m right in thinking that my email inbox is peppered frequently with messages about the relative popularity of various social networking platforms, but it does seem that way. And my impression is that, apart from the acknowledged leading duo of Facebook and Twitter, the buzz seems to be usually about one…

Start the Year with a Boost to Your LinkedIn Presence

As LinkedIn continues to grow – 259 million+ users, with two new members every second – I’m finding that more and more people are actively interested in learning about how to make the best use of this, the leading social networking platform for professionals worldwide. Which is why I am announcing this week the next…

Video from Author Chris Muccio on the 30 Day Linking Blitz Success Story

I was interviewed recently by Chris Muccio, author of Amazon best selling 42 Rules for 24 Hour Success on LinkedIn. Chris was working on the second edition of that book and wanted to learn about the 30 Day Linking Blitz project. This morning, Chris sent me a link to the video below, which I think…

Establishing the Business Value of Social Media for a B2B Company

  Business Value of Social Media for B2B In discussing social media with business-to-business (B2B) companies, I find one of the key challenges in developing the conversation is that a lot of the reference points – what people have absorbed about or experienced of social media – is in the business-to-consumer (B2C) space. For example,…