Boomer Business Owner Challenge – Emotional Resistance to Social Media

I keep telling myself I won’t do it again, but there I was yesterday, having another fundamentally frustrating conversation about social media with a Baby Boomer business owner who did not really want to listen. It started with his making a polite enquiry about what I “did” by way of business and – once I…

Should Google Plus be Part of Your Social Media Strategy?

Lately I’ve been wondering just how much or how little I should be talking, with clients and with groups I present to, about the still relatively new but in many ways quite fascinating service, Google Plus. The company calls this the Google+ Project and explains it as “real life sharing, re-thought for the web”. Ambitious…

First Days on Empire Avenue and Understanding How It Can be Addictive – Part 1

How and why I became tradeable Just in case you haven’t caught up with the Empire Avenue phenomenon and don’t know what it is or does, here is the self-description from the site: Empire Avenue is the Social Media Exchange, where you can invest in any social media profile by buying their shares, meet new…

Why Some Companies are Wary of Investing in Strategic Social Media Engagement

Today, as part of my current course with the Social Media Academy, I’ve been working an exercise to develop a concept and framework for a consultancy business in the field of social media. In line with how the assignment was set, the first thing I did was to endeavor to define the problem my business…