About Laser Coaching
How’s business? Some challenges?
- Are you finding it hard to get really clear on a business or career opportunity?
- Is something stopping you from growing your business the way you want?
- You’re just so busy with the “day to day” you haven’t given yourself time to get the clarity you need to move forward?
- You don’t really want to settle for “business as usual” – but you feel stuck?
- Or maybe you are not even quite sure what the problem is?
Sometimes in business we can be so caught up in the “day to day” that we let opportunities slip by.
Maybe we’ve taken risks before and they did not work out well, so we’ve become wary of “dreaming big”.
Sometimes our hesitation can be due to a limiting belief about what we are really capable of.
None of that is unusual.
But whatever it is you want to fix it fast. There is a way – it’s called laser coaching.
What’s laser coaching? And how can it help?
As a coach, one of the greatest gifts I have had is to learn laser coaching from watching its master practitioner, the great coach mentor Thomas Leonard at work, and from reading what he had to say about this form of coaching, how it works, who it is for and who it is not for.

Laser coaching is a specialized coaching technique and approach that promotes quick alignment, a rapid sense of relief, and a way of quickly unblocking someone who may have felt stuck in their way of thinking for a long time. Thomas Leonard, Founder of Coachville, 2002
Laser coaching works on the principle that there is a truth in every situation, a truth that may not always be obvious. Laser coaching brings that truth to the surface and supports the process of facing it square on, and then deciding on appropriate action. A commitment to a laser coaching session is a commitment to be willingly challenged to “get to the point”, to be in an environment where searching questions will be asked, so as to uncover a deeper level of truth about the issue being addressed. When describing the laser coaching process, coaches often quote the saying “The truth will set you free – but it may piss you off in the process”.
It’s not psychotherapy and it’s not about telling long stories.
In fact, effective laser coaching works best when we ditch the “stories” and focus on the now.
Des Walsh is a driven and focused entrepreneur who stays in touch with the latest trends, resources, and technologies available to small business. These qualities, combined with years of experience in his field, make Des a superior coach and mentor. In a single, thirty-minute conversation, Des redirected some concerns I had about my business model, introduced me to several valuable resources, and brought clarity to an issue that I’ve been struggling with for months. Yes, all of this in thirty-minutes! I highly recommend that you consult with Des if you are a growth-minded entrepreneur who wishes to take your business far beyond its current state.
Marla Tabaka, Business Coach, Inc. Author, Small Business Strategist.

So how does it work?
The mechanics of the process are straightforward: Once you have decided this is for you, you register for a laser coaching session at the Book Me In! link below (link temporarily disabled – just message me via the Contact form. I send you a confirmation and a link to my calendar so you can schedule a time for our online session. At the scheduled time we meet on a video link, which has a very easy process for connecting – I will send details. We allow 40 minutes for the laser coaching session. With your agreement, the whole session can be recorded, so you won’t need to take notes.
Recently, I took part in one of Des’s Laser Coaching sessions and I’m so glad that I did. Currently, I am going through a major shift both personally and in my business. I felt stalled and was unsure how to unpack things in order to make the changes necessary. Des quickly identified what I needed to do, to open the next path and action things. This gave me clarity on the steps that I need to complete in my shift. I’ve already begun doing so. Thanks Des. This is a huge win for me, I highly recommend setting up a session to help achieve your goals.
Linda Sherwin, Performance Improvement Expert, Keynote Speaker, Linda Sherwin International
What benefits come from laser coaching?
You get really clear about your issue and the deeper truth about it. You recognize any limiting beliefs that are holding you back. You are supported in considering other perspectives to help you “re-frame” the issue. We brainstorm some possible solutions. We co-create a practical action plan so you can move forward immediately.
Thank you, Des for an amazing Laser Coaching session! In 30 minutes you honed in on a very specific element that I had completely omitted – namely, using the actual words of my potential clients to describe their experiences! The minute you said it I knew that that needed to be a critical piece of my marketing. As a speaking coach and as you so correctly noted, these were not experiences that I myself had, so it was necessary to find the true words and emotions that others felt – like “stage fright” or “drawing a blank.” It truly was “laser” coaching! Once discovered, you refined and sharpened the concept even more! As I said, an amazing 30 minutes!
Richard Coleman, Technical SEO Specialist | Digital Marketing Project Consultant

Who will not find this process helpful?
Laser coaching is not for anyone who
- doesn’t feel held back or blocked by any particular issue
- dislikes or even resents being challenged on their statements and assumptions
- believes he or she has all the answers
When you do this once, you’ll probably never have another conversation about this specific problem. It’s kind of cool that way. Thomas Leonard, Coachville Laser Coaching Training Session, February 2002
Who is this process for?
Laser coaching can work for anyone who has a problem or issue that they know needs to be addressed, something that may be blocking them, and where they believe it would help to be asked the kind of challenging questions that will help them nail the real issue, which is often not quite what they thought it was. And they are ready to be challenged and “face the music”. Ready to go to that deeper level of truth.
Ready to take action, clear the decks?
Just choose a day and time from the calendar below, click Book Me (link temporarily disabled) and let’s do this.
If none of the times work for you, for instance because we are in different timezones, just email me at coachdes@deswalsh.com, tell me your nearest (large) city, and we’ll work something out.