Turn Your LinkedIn Profile Into a Compelling Story Not a Shopping List

Turn Your LinkedIn Profile Into a Compelling Story Not a Shopping List

Stories Sell, Lists Are Boring As the saying goes, “Facts tell, stories sell”. Most LinkedIn profiles I look at are about facts: I had this job, the job had these duties, I had another job after that, the job had these duties…. I have these skills, I have these other skills, I have this university…

To Build a LinkedIn Network, Talk to Strangers

In a previous post, “Are You Making This Basic LinkedIn Mistake?” I asked “Are you making the mistake of having a LinkedIn network mainly made up of friends, colleagues, and industry peers?” That’s easy enough to do, but it’s not a smart use of LinkedIn. In this post I provide a basic LinkedIn network building strategy, probably too basic for…

How to Post to the LinkedIn Publishing Platform

The LinkedIn Publishing Platform Early last year, LinkedIn opened its publishing platform – its blog, if you will – to all English-speaking members and more recently (Jan 2015) signalled that members speaking other languages would also have access. Previously, the privilege had been available only to a select group of “Influencers” such as Sir Richard…