Start the Year with a Boost to Your LinkedIn Presence

Linking Edge Intensive Feb 2014

As LinkedIn continues to grow – 259 million+ users, with two new members every second – I’m finding that more and more people are actively interested in learning about how to make the best use of this, the leading social networking platform for professionals worldwide.

Which is why I am announcing this week the next 14 day Linking Edge Intensive program, commencing in just over two weeks from now, on Monday February 3.

Linking Edge Intensive is a highly-focused program over a 14 day period, during which participants are guided and supported to turbo-charge their presence, reach, engagement and influence on LinkedIn.

From my experience in managing another program on LinkedIn, a program I started last year, the 30 Day Linking Blitz, and from years of managing groups focused on how to use LinkedIn more effectively, I know that:

  • people get value from a systematic, time-limited program focused on LinkedIn for business
  • people get extra value from working on such a program in a similarly focused group of professionals
  • an ongoing alumni group gives a point of reference and support well after the completion of the program

So these are all elements of the Linking Edge Intensive program.

Something else people like is value for money. I have priced this program accordingly and just now there is an Early Bird price that provides a substantial discount on the full price.

I love doing this program, significantly I believe because it is so focused on helping people step up and get the edge with their LinkedIn activity, so it attracts smart people who are or want to be leaders, on LinkedIn as elsewere: keeps me on my toes.

And because there is a strict limit on numbers (no more than 30 people worldwide), in practice I get to be able to help individual participants personally.

For more information, about the Program, what is covered, how it works in practice, whom it is meant for, what you will take away from your participation, and what your investment would be, and – if you so choose – to register, go to the Linking Edge Intensive page at this link.

Des Walsh

Business coach and digital entrepreneur. With coach training from and its Graduate School of Coaching, and a founding member of the International Association of Coaching, Des has been coaching business owners and entrepreneurs for the past 20 years. Over the same period he has also been actively engaged in promoting the business opportunities of the digital economy. He is a certified Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) coach, and a certified specialist in social media strategy and affiliate marketing.

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