Using LinkedIn and other Social Media for Job Search

Podcast on Job Search Techniques with Social Media, for Baby Boomers: Career Success Radio.

However talented and experienced a Baby Boomer might be, however fit and ready for action, the fact is that her or his age provides a challenge when it comes to looking for a job.

So I was pleased to be invited onto the Career Success Radio show to talk about how Boomers can use social media to enhance their prospects in the job search market. The show was broadcast a couple of days ago.

Dynamic co-hosts of the show, Keith Keller and Annemarie Cross, spoke with career counsellor and coach Jenni Proctor and me about ways Baby Boomers can leverage the power of Linkedin and other social media platforms to fast-track their job search.

A third guest on the program was Bob Age, co-founder of a successful, Australia-based social networking site for over 50’s – About My Age. Given the subject of this post I should probably mention that the About My Age site is not specifically about job search, but I am sure that for many over 50s a site like this must provide some valuable networking and support, for job seekers as well as others.

I enjoyed the conversation and I’m pretty sure the others did too. We actually went over time, but the extra bit not broadcast is on the mp3 file below.

You can listen to the conversation on the player below or download it to your own iPhone or other audio player.

By the way, although the LinkedIn for Recruiting book I co-authored with Bill Vick was aimed as the title indicates, at people in the recruiting industry, anyone looking for a job could pick up some good tips about what recruiters look for and how they use LinkedIn. After two editions of the book we called it a day and the book is out of print now (also there have been further developments with LinkedIn in the meantime) but you can download a copy of the e-book with our compliments.

Des Walsh

Business coach and digital entrepreneur. With coach training from and its Graduate School of Coaching, and a founding member of the International Association of Coaching, Des has been coaching business owners and entrepreneurs for the past 20 years. Over the same period he has also been actively engaged in promoting the business opportunities of the digital economy. He is a certified Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) coach, and a certified specialist in social media strategy and affiliate marketing.

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  1. Hello,
    Yes, I agree that Social media can play an important role in job search. LinkedIn conveys the same information as a good resume and establishes an entire host of relationships that cannot be targeted using traditional job search methods.

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