Social Media Strategy Checklist for Leaders
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Social Media Strategy Checklist for Leaders

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | RSSIn this podcast episode I talk about how Business leaders need to be able to fit expectations and demands about social media into a strategic framework that is a good fit with their overall business strategy and I share a link to my Social Media…

Establishing the Business Value of Social Media for a B2B Company

  Business Value of Social Media for B2B In discussing social media with business-to-business (B2B) companies, I find one of the key challenges in developing the conversation is that a lot of the reference points – what people have absorbed about or experienced of social media – is in the business-to-consumer (B2C) space. For example,…

Practical Social Media Strategy for Financial Advisers – Keynote

When I stood up in Canberra a couple of weeks ago to deliver the keynote for the last day of the Hillross Financial Services annual conference 2012 I was a tad nervous. Not shaking nervous, but neither just the usual pre-presentation edginess I usually feel on the basis that I want to make sure I’m…

Why Some Companies are Wary of Investing in Strategic Social Media Engagement

Today, as part of my current course with the Social Media Academy, I’ve been working an exercise to develop a concept and framework for a consultancy business in the field of social media. In line with how the assignment was set, the first thing I did was to endeavor to define the problem my business…