Acknowledging the International Association of Coaching (IAC)

Acknowledging the International Association of Coaching (IAC)

Fourteen years ago, early in 2003, I became one of the founding members of the International Association of Coaching (IAC). Earlier this week I was honoured and delighted to be presented, by IAC President Krishna Kumar, with the IAC President’s Award. While I am grateful that the IAC has done this, I am at the same time very conscious of the fact that what I have gained from my association with the organization outweighs any contribution I have made.


IAC Coaching Masteries

I’ve been meaning for some time to post here about the International Association of Coaching (IAC) and the IAC Coaching Masteries™ . One of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had, professionally and personally, in the past few years is to have been part of the team of volunteers which developed the IAC Coaching Masteries™. Countless…