I Didn’t Fully Realise How Restless I Was, Working Solo, Until I Joined a Great Team

I Didn’t Fully Realise How Restless I Was, Working Solo, Until I Joined a Great Team

Worked solo for years but recently started to miss not being part of a team. With my partner Suzie Cheel I decided it was time for me find a good business, with a good team to work with, or for that matter to have the business and team find me. Then I got lucky – they did find me.


New Facebook Group for Real Conversation and Great Business Relationships

  Rationale and Group Concept First, why am I doing this? My Linking Business Professionals group on LinkedIn (originally the 30 Day LinkedIn Blitz Group) has passed its use-by date. I am increasingly unimpressed by the user interface for LinkedIn Groups, and as LinkedIn seems to be on a path of completely hobbling group owners,…

Why knowing who your real client is could be crucial for your business

Are you working with the real client, or with a stand-in? Drawing on my own experience and that of others of my acquaintance, I would go so far as to say that – in the professional services field – not knowing who the real client is could jeopardize your professional reputation and even your business,…

Not Everyone Likes LinkedIn but with 120 Million Users Can You Afford to Ignore It?

Not Everyone Likes LinkedIn but with 120 Million Users Can You Afford to Ignore It?

Getting the Point About LinkedIn Whenever I get up to speak to a group about LinkedIn, I’m conscious that there will almost certainly be some people in the group who have decided they don’t like the platform and others who may not feel strongly for or against it, but just don’t see the point. Because…

Boomer Business Owner Challenge – Emotional Resistance to Social Media

I keep telling myself I won’t do it again, but there I was yesterday, having another fundamentally frustrating conversation about social media with a Baby Boomer business owner who did not really want to listen. It started with his making a polite enquiry about what I “did” by way of business and – once I…

Should Google Plus be Part of Your Social Media Strategy?

Lately I’ve been wondering just how much or how little I should be talking, with clients and with groups I present to, about the still relatively new but in many ways quite fascinating service, Google Plus. The company calls this the Google+ Project and explains it as “real life sharing, re-thought for the web”. Ambitious…