
Dave Taylor Explains How He Uses Social Media for Business

Bill Vick, my colleague and co-author of LinkedIn for Recruiting and Big Biller is, as his many colleagues in the recruiting industry know, a true early adopter and avid user of technology. So it was no surprise to me when he let me know about his new videoblogging site XtremeRecruiting.tv – “interviews about the collision of recruitment and technology”.

Just going on the interviews Bill has posted so far, the blog promises to be a highly trusted site for getting information and insights of value to anyone in business, not just in the recruiting industry.

For example, the interview with technical and business expert and Internet wizard Dave Taylor provides practical information on how social media can be used for business.

Dave has been involved with the Internet since 1980, has published extensively and is in demand as a speaker and corporate adviser on things technological.

In the interview, Dave shares how he uses various social media tools to enhance his business – and to keep in touch with his friends. He also shares what he doesn’t do, in keeping with his “aggressively pro work-life balance” approach.

Some snippets:

  • Dave’s AskDaveTaylor.com produces over a million visitors a month
  • he talks about how LinkedIn shows your social graph and how, via the six hundred people he is connected to directly, he is only one or two hops away from literally millions more
  • he explains how he uses Twitter
  • he takes Sundays off

Dave Taylor. Well worth the watching and listening.

Des Walsh

Business coach and digital entrepreneur. With coach training from Coachville.com and its Graduate School of Coaching, and a founding member of the International Association of Coaching, Des has been coaching business owners and entrepreneurs for the past 20 years. Over the same period he has also been actively engaged in promoting the business opportunities of the digital economy. He is a certified Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) coach, and a certified specialist in social media strategy and affiliate marketing.

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  1. Let’s be honest. Was there really an internet in 1980? I don’t think Al Gore had invented it yet!

  2. Actually, Paul, it was barely a dirt road: there was an “ARPAnet” run by a group funded through the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), but most of what we used were computer-to-computer modem connections in a complex web called UUCP (Unix to Unix Copy). It was crude, and to send a message from one person to another required you knowing all the intermediate hops, so an email address might look like ihnp4!ihnp7!wriggle!hop!hprnd3!smitty Things improved when “@” routing was brought online. But, yeah, it was around in 1980. Even if you weren’t. 🙂

  3. Thanks for the explanation Dave.

    I know about ARPAnet and DARPA. It’s just that I don’t think of this amazing vehicle for information transmission as being referred to as the “internet” until the early nineties. The WWW project wasn’t conceived until 1989. But, this wouldn’t be the first time I strained at a gnat and swallowed a camel.

    Personally, I resisted until 1995, but was finally assimilated. Haven’t been the same since!

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