
I’m Speaking at Web Wednesday, Guangzhou

I’m speaking tomorrow night at the Web Wednesday mixer in Guangzhou, China. As I’ll be several thousand miles/kilometres from Guangzhou, my presence will be virtual. No drinks for me. The Web Wednesday events, informal monthly gatherings of interested digerati, were started in Hong Kong by Internet entrepreneur and Sinologist Napoleon Biggs,  who has been 20…

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Technorati State of the Blogosphere 2008 Farewells Big Numbers Game

BlogWorld Expo Keynote by Richard Jalichandra Like some others, over the past year or two I’ve been less than impressed by Technorati’s performance. So I was frankly not overwhelmed with anticipation of the keynote address by Technorati CEO Richard Jalichandra, at last weekend’s BlogWorld and New Media Expo in Las Vegas. In the event, I…