Cool New Tool for Finding and Sharing Travel Information

Some cool people I know have produced a cool tool for creating short map links for your email, Twitter, social networks and blogs. is a tool to guide people to destinations with travel-related information for their trips. If you have ever gone through the process of trying to send to someone, successfully, a link…

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Social Media Club Brisbane Launches Today

Back in March this year I asked Is Brisbane Australia Ready for a Social Media Club? Today I have not only an affirmative answer to that (rhetorical) question, but the very pleasing prospect of participating in the official launch, at 6pm this evening, of Social Media Club Brisbane. This is the first Social Media Club…

Is Brisbane, Australia Ready for a Social Media Club?

Q. What’s the difference between Boston, Massachusetts and Brisbane, Queensland? A. A lot. At opposite ends of the earth, for one thing. Different climates and time zones. I could go on. But the point of this post is really that Boston has an obviously thriving Social Media Club and Brisbane doesn’t have one at all….