A Simple Way to Find Your Blogging Voice

Finding Your Blogging Voice One of the phrases that gets tossed around when people are giving advice about business blogging is that of “blogging voice”, or “blog voice”, as in the admonition to “find your blogging voice”. I think that intuitively makes some sense. Like a writer’s “voice” with a blogger twist. From some online…

How Frequent Should Blog Posts be in a Professional Services Firm?

When I speak to various groups about social media and specifically about blogging, I am regularly asked, “How often should we blog?”. I used to give a fairly standard, generic response along the lines of  “at least once a day for five days when you are starting out, then at least three times a week…

It’s OK if You Don’t Want to Write Controversial Blog Posts

Does a Blog Have to be Confrontational to be Successful? Over a lot of years of blogging, as well as reading and hearing the opinions of others about the subject, I have formed the view that there is a not insignificant number of people who believe that unless a blog is confrontational, argumentative, or otherwise…