Using Qumana

So far so good. Yesterday I was successful in using Qumana to post to three of my blogs. This is actually a very useful feature, because even though I know I can simply open each blog’s control panel and re-post there, it is much easier to just change one variable – i.e. for the pre-set…

LinkedIn Endorsements

LinkedIn, the online social networking service, now with over 5.5 million members, encourages users to help one another by providing “endorsements” – something like references. In a post today on my Thinking Home Business blog, On Moderation In Using and Seeking LinkedIn Endorsements, I point out some of the challenges with this system and an…

Business Blogging Guide Free Extract

My 7 Step Business Blog downloadable e-book has been written to help non-technical business owners navigate the basic theory about business blogging and actually get started. To download your free, no-obligation, 22 page extract of the e-book and qualify for regular updates on the world of business blogging, just click here (download no longer available…