Get Those Digests on Your Blog logoYou’ve seen them on blogs and in your feed reader, those digests. And you know that some people use them as ways to “keep up” with a blogging schedule, a way of having blog posts every day without necessarily having to be creative every day.

Maybe you have wondered how to get that sort of digest on your own blog? I have. In fact, I asked someone a while ago how to do it and got one of those “Oh, that’s easy!” responses that left me pretty much in the dark and with a feeling that if I asked for a fuller explanation I would show that I was *really* dumb.

Well, today I had two pleasant surprises, one about a blog I thought was no longer active and the other, a post on the blog in question, about the digests.

Going through one of my feed readers, I noticed that the Blog Business Summit site had some current postings, which surprised me, pleasantly I must add, because the last scheduled Blog Business Summit, which was to have been held in August last year, had been cancelled. And the organizers had moved on to other things, for example with the work of the Parnassus Group.

The post that caught my eye was titled Two easy ways to automate your blog content. The two ways are automating the posting of:

  • digests
  • Twitter digests

I’m more interested in automating the posting of my digests than I am with automating postings of Twitter digests.

I am pretty selective about what I tag for, so I have no problem with what will appear in the digests.

With Twitter, however, there are more random elements involved. For example, the only aggregating tool I’ve used so far includes “tweets” by others I’m following on Twitter. Some of the people I follow on Twitter put “tweets” which would be at best quite marginal to what this blog is about. Some even use, from time to time, language which in context on Twitter might be unexceptionable as far as I’m concerned but on this blog might jar.

Back to the digest system.

It is in fact fairly easy. You enter the following url in your browser, substituting your username where the code reads <USERNAME>.

If you don’t yet have a username, signing up is straightforward.

Des Walsh

Business coach and digital entrepreneur. With coach training from and its Graduate School of Coaching, and a founding member of the International Association of Coaching, Des has been coaching business owners and entrepreneurs for the past 20 years. Over the same period he has also been actively engaged in promoting the business opportunities of the digital economy. He is a certified Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) coach, and a certified specialist in social media strategy and affiliate marketing.

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