Social Media Tune Up 2011

Last year I started a project I thought would be fairly straightforward, a social media tune up. It proved to be a more challenging task than I’d envisaged. The intention was to go systematically through my main platform-basedsocial media presences, with the aim of refining and generally improving what was there. Although I thought the…

New Look Twitter Borks Backgrounds, Adds Features, Challenges Branding

Picking up the other day on some tweetchat about the new look Twitter, I soon found myself watching the video “Twitter: discover what’s new in your world”. From what I could see, the changes looked interesting enough, although I did have a moment of wondering whether the changes were going to improve our user experience,…

Social Media Tune Up

After several years of active involvement with blogging, social networking and what we now call social media, I am very conscious of the need, in the business context, to have some strategies and systems in place, firstly to retain our sanity and then to achieve our business objectives. We also need, from time to time…