My 1,000 LinkedIn Contacts Give Me a Network of 15 Million But That’s Not a Strategy

I noticed today that at 951 the number of my direct connections on the professional networking platform LinkedIn is seriously nudging 1,000 and the total network, including second and third level connnections, has more or less overnight topped 15 million. A bit of a milestone that 15 million, so I thought I should not let…

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Previewing Social Media Roadmap Workshops Brisbane and Gold Coast

Next week, on September 29, I’m teaming up with Associate Professor Michael Rees of Bond University to deliver a one day workshop for businesses in the Brisbane (Australia) area on social media. Then the following week, on October 2, we do that again on the Gold Coast. (Update: Brisbane workshop now postponed to a date…


Getting a Handle on Social Personas at Social Media Club Sydney

I’m looking forward eagerly to the Social Media Club Sydney event planned for tomorrow night, 31st August. What with that and attendance at the next day’s Future of Influence Summit, I expect my brain will be buzzing with new ideas and perspectives by the time I get home on Tuesday night. There are two speakers…


Social Media Roadmap Workshop at Gold Coast

I knew I’d been talking, more than doing, about my social media roadmap workshop concept when the last person’s eyes glazed over. Yes, it’s been a while coming! But at last, in tandem with my friend and colleague Associate Professor Michael Rees (@mrees on Twitter) from nearby Bond University, I’ll be presenting the first workshop next…

Iggy Pintado’s Connection Generation: Review

When I accepted an invitation to read and comment on Iggy Pintado’s new book Connection Generation (Amazon affiliate link), my expectation – based mainly and very subjectively on what I had observed of the author’s communications on Twitter – was that the book would provide some fresh insight into how social media fit in our…