Calling All Caregivers

Calling All Caregivers

There is an event coming up in late October early November, the Caregivers Smile Summit, a five day virtual conference to help caregivers.

Having been a carer in a small way myself, and having observed especially my mother as a carer over many years, I see this as a milestone event and I’m delighted that I am to be part of it.

Reclaiming My Passion for Blogging

I’ve known for a while that not only was I not blogging so much but I’d actually mislaid or lost my earlier passion for blogging. In this post I talk about factors that turned what had been enjoyable into a chore, factors including too many “rules” for blogging. And how I decided to throw caution to the wind and post about whatever I wanted to post about and how I would do that.


New Facebook Group for Real Conversation and Great Business Relationships

  Rationale and Group Concept First, why am I doing this? My Linking Business Professionals group on LinkedIn (originally the 30 Day LinkedIn Blitz Group) has passed its use-by date. I am increasingly unimpressed by the user interface for LinkedIn Groups, and as LinkedIn seems to be on a path of completely hobbling group owners,…