
Facebook Zero – changing news feed | Using Snapchat creatively | Big tech trends 2018 :: Social Business Bites #173

Des Walsh’s Social Business Bites newsletter, now with AI Update. Links for items on “Facebook Zero” and implications for business, creative ways to use Snapchat for business, and big tech trends for 2018. Also the last week for the New Year “two for the price of one” offer of Laser Coaching.

Unofficial LinkedIn FAQ (50) | Facebook Video Marketing Guide | Monetizing Your Blog: Social Business Bites #166

Unofficial LinkedIn FAQ (50) | Facebook Video Marketing Guide | Monetizing Your Blog: Social Business Bites #166

Now for the second week I’m following up on a suggestion about my weekly Social Business Bites, up till now just mailed out as an email newsletter or “ezine”, namely that I post each issue also on my website. I’ll be doing that here on the blog. In this week’s issue I’m leading with an article by Andy Foote, with 50 answers to LinkedIn FAQs.

Newsletter Makeover: Now “Social Business Bites”

This post is about the launch of my latest endeavour to master the art of online newsletter/update/regular report thingies. Enter Social Business Bites (fresh, tasty, nutritious!). Corny, yes, but it already makes me think more creatively about the process than the now-being-retired “Des Walsh Updates” or the not-really-lamented “Social Coach” title of a few years…